Public Notices and Related Documents

Public Notices and Related Documents
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Public Notice for Adding Home Health, Hospice, and Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Services to the Alternative Benefits Plan
Public Notice for Adding Home Health, Hospice, and Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Services and Updating the Description of Reimbursement of Multiple Services
Monitoreo de los Copagos Agregados para Todas las Poblaciones de Medicaid
Medicaid Pharmacy Reimbursement
Enmienda Copagos
Enmienda al Plan Estatal de Medicaid sobre Eliminación de Copagos
Enmienda al Plan Estatal de Medicaid sobre Cobertura de Vacunas para Adultos
PRMP ARP COVID - Public Notice - Cost Sharing
Atención beneficiario del Plan Vital del Programa Medicaid
Nota Aclaratoria:
Enmienda al Plan Estatal de Medicaid sobre Reembolso de Farmacia Medicaid
Enmienda al Plan Estatal de Medicaid sobre Reembolso de Farmacia Medicaid (12/31/2022)
Enmienda al Plan Estatal de Medicaid para Eliminar los Copagos en Todos los Servicios que no sean Medicamentos Recetados (12/29/2022)
Enmienda al Plan Estatal de Medicaid para Incluir Servicios Dentales Adicionales para Adultos (12/29/2022)
State Medicaid and CHIP Plan Amendment to Increase the Poverty Level
Amendment to the Puerto Rico Mediciad and CHIP State Plans
Amendment to the Mediciad State Plan
Process for Requesting Reimbursement of Excess Cost Sharing Payments
Notice of disclosure of confidential information
Notice of Privacy Practices (NOPP)

Reimbursement Ruling Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC)

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Reimbursement Ruling Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC)

External Quality Review Technical Report Contract Years 2018–2022

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2018-2022 EQRO Technical Report